Please Print this form and Mail reservation to:
Willowbrooke Farm, 7461 Brookville Rd., Plymouth, MI 48170 734-737-0899


Director: Jennifer Blades, coach of the University of Michigan Equestrian Team
Location: Willowbrooke Farm, 7461 Brookville Rd., in Plymouth, MI 48170
Barn Phone: (734)737-0899 Cell phone: (313)938-9221

Camp runs 10am-3pm
Available to ages 7-17
Cost: $130/day
Availability is limited! Reservations require a 50% non-refudable deposit.
The remainer due 2 weeks prior to the camp session
Drinks and snacks will be provided

All levels of experience welcome!
Activities may include:

Please dress warmly- we are inside a barn, but it is not heated.
Hand/toe warmers are encouraged!

Please Choose Session(s):
    _____November 28, 2024 _____November 29, 2024


Please indicate level of experience:
    ____No prior experience
    ____Walk / Trot
    ____Walk / Trot / Canter

Camper Name: _______________________________ Age: ____________
Street: _________________________________________________________
City: __________________________ State: ____________ Zip: _________
Phone Number: ______________ Emergency Number: _______________
Cell/Work Phone:_____________ E-Mail Address: ___________________

__________________________                 _____________________________
    Signature of Parent/Guardian                                 Print Name (Parent/Guardian)   

For questions, contact (barn) 734-737-0899 (cell) 313-938-9221
Mail reservation form to Willowbrooke Farm, 7461 Brookville Rd., Plymouth, MI 48170